World War II - Episode II


  • Was a leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI)
  • Was Anti-Jews
  • Anti Marxist
  • Used to consider superior to Aryan

  • Became Chancellor (Post of Primeminister in Germany) in January 1933
  • Broke Versailles treaty and did following activities:
    • Re-armed German armies
    • Increased air forces
    • He provided special marks to Jews
    • He suspended civil liberty
    • His motto was "Restoring the glory of Fatherland".
  • Japan was growing its territory - 2nd Sino Japanese War in 1937
    • Had captured Korea
    • Had captured various lands of China taking advantage from civil war of China
    • Had captured almost all of the eastern Islands
    • Japan wanted to be the supreme power of Asia
  • After the first world war and before the second world war:
    • Hitler remilitarized Rhineland
      • Through the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was not allowed to send armies to this area.
      • This had made France safe from the attack of Germany
    • Did treaty with Rome-Berlin axis 
    • Did treaty with Japan
    • 1938 - Annexed Austria
    • Annexed Sudetenland, which was an area of Czechoslovakia
    • No country raised their voice against this activity of Germany to protect world from next war.
    • 1939 - Annexed entire Czechoslovakia
    • Germany's next target was Poland. 
      • But Poland was promised protection by France and UK. 
    • Did agreement with USSR
      • This agreement is called Moltov Ribbentrop Pact.
      • As per this act:
        • USSR and Germany will not attack each other.
        • When Germany attacks Poland, USSR will join them and attack combinely.

    • Germany attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 
      • Beginning of World War II.
  • France and UK declared war on Germany.
  • USSR attacked Poland from Eastern Side.
  • Poland lost the war and was divided into two parts by Germany and USSR.
  • Germany attacked Denmark, Norway, Belgium, and Netherland at such a fast speed that they lost the war and were captured by Germany.
  • USSR also attacked and captured Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) and Finland.
  • Italy gave support to Germany and attacked France.
  • Germany captured Paris on 14th June.
  • Germany did aerial bombing on Britain and destroyed homes of civilians, factories, and industries.
  • Britain tried to defend Germany and joined the aerial battle. This was the first aerial battle.
  • Britain fought very bravely and Germany stepped back.
  • Germany did a combined agreement with Japan and Italy and this agreement is called the Tripartite act. This was called Axis Power.
  • Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania gave support to this agreement.
  • Later on, Germany captured Yugoslavia and Greece.
  • Germany attacked USSR by thinking that USSR might break Moltov Ribbentrop Pact and might attack on Germany at anytime.
  • Germany captured huge western area of USSR but had to stop their attack due to heavy snowfall.
    • Japan captured almost all eastern lands by thinking that it was a part of Axis Power and had the authority to attack on Allies Powers and their colonies.
    • Looking at growing attack of Japan, USA thought that if Japenese continued their attack, they might attack USA.
    • USA commanded all US Companies to stop fuel supply to Japan.
    • Japan, being angry with the USA, bombarded Pearl Harbour of the USA on December 7/8, 1941, which was a very busy harbour of the USA.
    • Japan also attacked Hawaii, Malaysia, Philippines and Hongkong.
    • It started bombarding Australia and Papua New Guniea.
  • USA joined second world war from the side of axis power to stop activities of Japan.
  • 1942-1944: The USA freed almost all islands captured by Japan.
  • 1942 - Russia pushed German back from their land.
    • Many soldiers and civilians died in this war from both side.
    • Allies power started pushing back armies of axis powers 
  • 1943 - Almost all lands were freed from axis power.
  • D-Day: 6th June, 1944 :  
    • Allied forces landed on Normandy, France 
    • This was largest amphibious landings, huge ships and tanks were landed in harbor and made ready for war.
    • Within few months, most of land of France was freed by Allied forces from Germany.
    • France got freedom.
    • Allied armies freed Belgium, Netherland and reached Berlin, captial of Germany.
  • 29 April, 1945 
    • German armies surrendered.
  • 30th April, 1945
    • Adolf Hitler committed suicide with his wife.
    • German lost war.
    • War in Europe ended.
  • Allied forces freed all lands captured by Germany but Japan was increasing its territory and continuing its war.
  • To stop that war, America dropped two atom bombs on two top industrial centers of Japan where huge manufacturing of weapons was going on.
    • Hiroshima - 6 August, Little boy
    • Nagasaki - 9 August, Fat man
  • Japan surrendered on 15th August.

Study IQ education. (2016b, November 22). History - World War 2 - द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध ? जानिये इतिहास हिंदी में - UPSC/IAS/SSC [Video]. YouTube.


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