Industrial Revolution 1760-1870

Episode 1

  • Production process shifted from home to industries
  • उत्पादन प्रक्रिया घरबाट उद्योगहरूमा सारियो
    • सुरुसुरुका चरणहरुमा घरमा भईरहेका उत्पादनहरु समय बित्दै गएपछी उद्योग र कारखानाबाट हुन थाले। यो रुपान्तरण ल्याउन मदत गत्ने क्रान्तीनै औद्योगिक क्रान्ती हो। 
  • 1760 AD - 1870 AD (about 110 years)
    • सन् १७६० देखी १८७० सम्म यो क्रान्ती भएको थियो ।
  • Mid of 18th century - Last of 19th century

Nepal During this Era
  • Prithvi Narayan Shah had started a unification campaign in Nepal when Industrial Revolution began. Thus when the world was busy in the industrial revolution, Nepal was busy in unification.
  • Prithvi Narayan Shah, Pratap Singh Shah, Rana Bahadur Shah, Girvan Yudha Bikram Shah, Rajendra Bikram Shah, and Surendra Bikram Shah led Nepal during the entire period of the Industrial Revolution.
  • The unification of Nepal ended during the period of Girvan Yudha Bikram Shah and Rana era began during the period of Surendra Bikram Shah.
  • Prithvi Narayan Shah: 1743 (King of Gorkha) - 1768 Sep 25 (King of Nepal) - 1775 Jan 11
  • Pratap Singh Shah: 1775 Jan 11 - 1777 Nov 17
  • Rana Bahadur Shah: 1777 Nov 17 - 1799 March 8
  • Girvan Yuddha Bikram Shah: 1799 March 8 - 1816 Nov 20
  • Rajendra Bikram Shah: 1816 Nov 20 - 1847 May 12
  • Surendra Bikram Shah: 1847 May 12 - 1881 May 17 
World during Industrial Revolution

From here, we can easily find how world looked like during that era. The map is attached here:


Study IQ education. (2017, October 2). औद्योगिक क्रांति - Industrial Revolution in Hindi - World History for IAS/UPSC/PCS [Video]. YouTube.


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