French Revolution 1789 - 1799

  • The French revolution is the revolution that brought huge changes in the political and social sectors of France. 
  • Monarchy ended in France and France became a republic. But finally, this gave rise to the dictatorship of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Causes of French Revolution:
    • Political cause:
      • 7 years war: Louis V (reign: 1715-1774) brought a country in such a situation that France had a huge debt to be paid. France had lost the war and had a huge amount as a loan due to war.  
      • Lack of decision-making power in the king: Louis VI (reign: 1774-1792) did not have the capacity to make strong decisions. He used to backtrack from his decision very easily. His wife, Marie Antionette, was the very bad advisor of the king. He even did not have an interest in ruling the country and he used to love sitting in a palace, i.e. Versailles Palace, which was totally isolated from people's connection. He was not used to the condition of his country and his citizens. During his period, France had helped Americans in the American War of Independence to take the revenge of 7 years war and spent a lot amount on it for no gain in return.  
    • Social cause:
      • Division of society: Society was divided into three classes which were called three estates at that time. It was:
        • First estate: Fathers of the church, were near to one lakhs in population and had occupied nearly 10% of the land.
        • Second estate: Feudal lords  (सामन्त), had more lands and buildings, nearly 25% of French land was occupied by nearly four lakh population of the second estate. 
        • Third estate: Farmers, workers, traders, lawyers, public officials and all others who were not in the category of First and Second estate were under the third estate. 2.7 crore (nearly 95% of the population of France) were in number and had no land with them.
      • Discriminatory taxation policy: 
        • The first and second estates were not charged any tax. Few taxes charged to them used to be exempted by the government. But third estates were charged heavy tax in everything. 
        • The luxurious lifestyle of the first and second estates: These estates were not charged any taxes for their property and they used to have a huge property with them. But the lifestyle of the third estate was deteriorating day by day and was living a very simple life.
      • French culture:
        • The 18th century is considered a high point of French culture
        • Promotion and protection of every culture needs huge money
        • Thus, for the protection of culture, discriminatory taxation policy was acting as the foundation
      • Growing new class in society:
        • As discussed above, before the industrial revolution, there were three classes (estates) in French society. Due to the ongoing industrial revolution (1760-1870), two new classes were growing in society. Those classes were middle class and working class. The middle class were industrialists and the working class was people working in industries (We have also discussed this in the industrial revolution, episode 5). Industrialists were also called the educated middle class. But the condition of the working-class was very poor. They had an unhygienic living environment and had very poor health conditions.
    • Economic cause:
      • Triggering cause for French Revolution.
      • High growth in population:
        • The population of France was growing rapidly and the population growth rate was near 30%. But no technologies were researched to increase the production rate. This was leading France towards starvation in the near years.
      • The high debt of war: 
        • Seven years of war and the American Revolution had led France to huge debt.
        • Half of the national budget was separated for debt payment.
      • Famine due to weather
        • Harsh winter in France caused crop failure and food prices hiked.
        • People were not able to buy food and famine was growing.
        • Even farmers did not have anything to eat.
      • Angry farmers and the general public
        • Due to all these conditions, farmers and the public were very angry with the government of France.
    • Intellectual cause:
      • People started thinking about every topic in a rational way.
      • The idea of separation of church and state triggered the minds of people.
      • People started talking about freedom of speech and expression.
      • The concept of people's sovereignty had started in the community.
      • The industrial revolution was bringing huge changes in society. Printers were used to publish books and papers and those books and papers were used to spread ideas all around the country.


Study IQ education. (2017c, May 11). French Revolution - फ्रांस की क्रांति - World History - विश्व इतिहास - UPSC/IAS [Video]. YouTube.


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