World War II - Episode III

 Consequences of World War II:

  • The cold war between two superpower countries USA and USSR: 1947 - 1991
  • The world got divided into two groups.
  • Germany was divided into 2 parts by USSR, USA, UK and France.
  • People following one religion were placed in one place and if they were found at next place, they were forced to migrate. This was said to be done to protect world from next war which might happen due to religion.
  • Berlin wall was made between two Germanies: August 13, 1961.
  • Berlin wall was collapsed on November 9, 1989, by Germans.
  • Heavy loss of men, materials, and industry in Europe.
  • Decolonization began.
  • UNO was established to protect the world from the third world war.
  • Japenese territories were captured by USA.
  • Korea got divided into two parts - one in support of USSR and next in support of USA.
  • Civil war began in 1945 and ended in 1949 in China.
    • Communists won and nationalist lost.
    • Nationalist were forcefully sent to Taiwan 
  • Israel was created in middle-east.
  • Holocaust - Mass killing of Jews



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