Industrial Revolution - Episode 4

 Positive impacts of Industrial Revolution

  • Factory system: People started gathering in a single place and work hand-by-hand for producing one material. This created a system to work in a group. Later machines to do the same works were invented and the need for a human workforce started decreasing. But industrial revolution taught people the way to work to manufacture a product.
  • Standardization of products/massive production: Goods of one brand which is produced from different corners of world started being of the same quality. For example taste of Coca-Cola is the same whether produced from Nepal or America. Before the industrial revolution, quality used to differ from place to place. Also, the quantity of production increased to a huge extent due to the development of machines.
  • Development of means of communication and transportation: Various telegraph lines were laid in the country, diesel engines and steam engines were started to produce. Later various changes were made in inventions and this led to an increase in the efficiency of the system.
  • Increase in modes of transportation: Various roads, bridges, railway tracks, and canals were made for ease in the transportation of goods and humans.
  • Urbanization: Many villages started to develop and slowly became cities. Clean water, sewage systems, public transport, and other facilities were required in new cities and the industrial revolution played important role in the fulfillment of such facilities.
  • No hunger and famine: Because of the development of engines, surplus foods were easily transported to required places.

Study IQ education. (2017, October 2). औद्योगिक क्रांति - Industrial Revolution in Hindi - World History for IAS/UPSC/PCS [Video]. YouTube.


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