Industrial Revolution - Episode 5

Negative impacts of Industrial Revolution

Capitalism: Everything started being profit-oriented. Owners of factories started having control over all resources and they started earning a lot. Natural resources were under their control and those resources were exploited a lot. 

The exploitation of workers: Workers were treated like machines. They had to work for many hours a day without any safety. The working environment of the factory was unhygienic and their living condition often led to epidemics like cholera.

Use of machines leading to unemployment: Traditional workers and weavers were wiped out by machines. Those who used to produce goods by hand were unable to sell their product because their product was expensive as compared to products made by machines. 

Increase in child labor: Child labor was cheaper as compared to other laborers. Thus it was flourishing in every factory. 

Colonial expansion: For collecting raw materials, different places were colonized. Also since production was high, the size of the market was needed to be increased and colonized areas were a good market for produced goods.

Increase in population: Due to the development of medical equipment, the life expectancy of people increased. Also, the mortality rate decreased drastically. This led to increasing in population. Increase in population resulted in decrease in wage of labors because labors were easily available and they were ready to work in lower-wage just to compete with another labor and get job easily.

Increase in pollution: People during that era were unaware of it. But industrialization had led to huge pollution in the present time.

The dominance of European Nations: Dominance of European nations over world in 18th and 19th century led to World War I and World War II.

Division of society in classes: Before the industrial revolution, there were two classes in society. The first class, i.e. upper class, belonged to the royal family and the second class, i.e. lower class, belonged to farmers. The lower class used to pay tax to the upper class. But after the industrial, two new classes came in existence. Those classes were middle class and working class. The middle class were industrialist and working class were people working in industries. Still upper class and lower class were in existance.

Phases of Industrial Revolution

  • First Phase (1760 - 1850): Automation work took place. Textile industry, mining, and metallurgy, steam engine and its application were invented and discovered to huge extent.
  • Second Phase (1850 - Late 19th century):   Various scientific inventions were made. Mass productions were taking place. Steels and chemicals were produced in huge quantity. USA and Germany were working heavily during this phase. 
  • Third Phase (Late 20th century - Present): Communication technology, internet, energy, robotics, 3D printings etc.

A new concept - Socialism

  • a model which believed on equality
  • people collectively own and control means of production
  • distribution of result is proportional
  • the foundation of marxism and communism

Study IQ education. (2017, October 2). औद्योगिक क्रांति - Industrial Revolution in Hindi - World History for IAS/UPSC/PCS [Video]. YouTube.


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