French Revolution - Episode 6


  • Overview of entire revolution:
    • 1789 : Estate general (सम्पूर्ण समाजिक तहका मानिसहरुको प्रतिनिधित्व भएको एउटा सभा)
    • 1789 - 1791 : National Assembly
    • 1791 - 1792 : Legislative Assembly
    • 1792 - 1795 : National Convention (Reign of Terror - आतंकको शासन) 
    • 1795 - 1798 : Directory Rule 
    • 1799 - Coup by Nepoleon Bonapart

  • Directory Rule  (1795 - 1798):
    • The document prepared in 1795, after the execution of Maximilien Robespierre, to conduct the election and to rule the country, was decided to be a new constitution of France. 
    • Executive body with 5 directors was made as per the constitution. The rule of 5 directors was introduced to remove the risk of dictatorship which could have happened if a single director would have been selected.
    • Similarly, a bicameral legislature system was introduced in France.
    • Since the voting right was constricted to few citizens, again second estate people came to rule the country by replacing the third estate.
    • Directors started ruling in the country in the way they like.
    • Meanwhile, Napoleon Bonaparte was leading the war against  Italy and Austria and got the victory in it.
    • This ended the war of the first coalition.
  • Coup by Nepoleon Bonapart (1799)
    • Bonaparte came back to the country after the war and did a coup against the directory rule.
    • He made a new system of government in the country which was called the "Consulate".
    • It consisted of 3 consuls among which Napoleon declared himself as the First Consul of France. 
    • 1804 - He declared himself as the new "Emperor of France".

Along with this, French Revolution ended and the rule of Napoleon started.

Some characteristics of Napoleon Bonaparte:
  1. Though huge political tensions were going on in France and France was in huge economic shortage and debt, Bonaparte led to war in such a way that he annexed some lands of Belgium, all land of Switzerland, and some parts of northen Italy.
  2. He made the Austrian empire to surrender in war and the Austrian empire proposed for peace treaty after which its land was returned back by France.
  3. In summary, he was a great warrior of France.


1. Study IQ education. (2017c, May 11). French Revolution - फ्रांस की क्रांति - World History - विश्व इतिहास - UPSC/IAS [Video]. YouTube.


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