French Revolution - Episode 7

Conclusion on French Revolution:

French revolution led to the following results in France:

  1. The absolute monarchy ended and military dictatorship started.
  2. The powers of Churches were restored by Napolean Bonaparte.
  3. Nobility was restored and the second estate got more power in society.
  4. Bonaparte restored Monarchy in 1815 and Louis XVII became the next king of France.
  5. No change in the condition of women, slaves, farmers, and workers. Women and slaves were given the category of passive citizens and had no voting rights.
Impacts of French Revolution in World:

France introduced some new concepts in the world and later on, different countries brought this concept into practice. Those concepts are described below:

  1. Constitutional Monarchy:
    • Before the revolution, all kings were above the constitution
    • Revolution showed that the kings can also be ruled by constitution and constitution can work as the supreme power of the country.
    • The power of the king was reduced to a great extent by the constitution.
  2. Nullify of power of the nobility (पूँजीपति वर्ग)
    • The rule of the feudal lords ended forever
    • Nobles came back to the country after the revolution but their lands were not returned to them. Thus they were unable to exploit workers.
    • A type of equality came into existence in society
  3. Diminished power of religion:
    • Powers given to churches were completely taken off.
    • The interference of churches in ruling the country became diminished.
    • The concept of "Separation of Church and State" came into existence.
    • Complete power was in the hand of citizens.
  4. Transfer of power from nobility (पूँजीपति वर्ग) to bourgeoisies (middle-class people):
    • Power came to middle-class people by an election
    • The world got a new lesson that even this category of people can lead the country.
  5. Ideas of right to men
    • Laws should be applied equally to everyone
    • Every man are born equal
    • Every country got the concept of liberty, equality, and fraternity (स्वतन्त्रता, समानता र भ्रातृत्व) from this revolution.
    • Many countries learned the idea of human rights and many revolutions were based on the idea of human rights.
    • Nationalism and patriotism spread in all European countries. Many small kingdoms were ready to fight being one to protect their territory and later on they unified and became a large country.
    • Slowly and steadily women started getting the right to education and marriage. They became free to start their trade and do their business.


1. Study IQ education. (2017c, May 11). French Revolution - फ्रांस की क्रांति - World History - विश्व इतिहास - UPSC/IAS [Video]. YouTube.

--------------------------------------THE END---------------------------------------


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