American Revolution - Episode 2

 Causes of American Revolution

1) Socio-cultural causes (Enlightenment): 

  • Unequal political behaviour: The king of Spain was Catholic. He used to torture physically, mentally, economically, and religiously to all of his protestants (antis - विरोधीहरु). Similarly, the king of England used to follow rules by Church of England and he used to treat catholic in very bad ways. Thus these people had ran away from their countries and had settled in American colonies. They were free to follow their religions, believes and cultures in America. 
  • Liberal (broad-minded, उदारवादी) and progressive (प्रगतिशील) thinking: People in America were free to follow any religion and free to share their ideas with others. The reason behind this was Enlightenment. People had started thinking about every topic in critical ways due to various Philosophers born in that era. People used to have discussion on topics like family rule (Son of King is always king and no one can get that chance ever),  natural law and rights, liberalism, property rights, republicanism, etc.

2) Political:

  • Fake democratic ruling system: All colonies had their own legislature and executive. People from their own colonies were selected as representative in the legislature and they used to form an executive body. But the head of government (i.e. Governer) was directly appointed by the British parliament and there was no representation of colonies in the British parliament. The governer had many vito powers and he had capacity to reverse the decision made by the parliament. 

 3) Economic: 

  • Intercolony trade routes: Cotton produced in the south of America was traded to northern sides of America for processing and manufacturing of clothes. Similarly, many other trade routes were established during that time. This developed a feeling of unity among Americans. They started thinking like "Why can't we sell our products to Africa and other countries? Why should we trade our products only with Britain? Why Britishers decide destination of our final products?". They started having discussion on such topics.
  • Liberal ideas: People started talking about intervention of Britishers in trade. They started thinking of ideas to grow their economical status but found that Britishers were not allowing them to grow in any dimensions. 
  • Materialistic and individualism: "Why should we pay taxes to British government? If we work hard for our products and earn from it, why should British govenment be rich from it? If we make something, that belongs to us and we should be benefited from it, not the government." This thought was triggering every colonist's mind in America. 
Britishers got information of all these activities going on in America from their intelligence and imposed new laws to get more control in America. What were those new laws? Go for Episode 3


Study IQ education. (2017a, April 19). अमेरिकी क्रान्ति - American Revolution + American Civil War - World History for IAS/UPSC/PCS/SSC [Video]. YouTube.


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