American Revolution - Episode 3

  • New laws were passed by the Government of England in favor of her traders. The laws were made in such a way that the expenses of colonists were increased for benefit of traders.
  • Laws:
    • 1651 - Only British ships should be used for trades and 60% employees in sheep should be British (also called the Navigation act)
    • 1660 - Sugar, Tobacco, Cotton, and Indigo should be exported only to England
    • 1663 - All trade to other countries should be done via England, i.e. England should be in the route of every trade.
  • Colonists started smuggling and trading against these laws.
  • Implementation of these laws was not much strict at the beginning but after 1763 (almost after 100 years) Britishers started using these laws very strictly thus affecting trade in America.
    • Why implementation became strong in 1763? - Because Britain was in need of huge money because she had spent huge money and faced heavy economical loss in 7 years war (1756 - 1763) despite winning the war.
    • In addition to this, the British started charging heavy tax on colonists.
      • What happened in America after 7 years war?
          • Colonies were brainwashed in such a way that they used to think themselves safe when Britishers rule them and felt unsafe with French colonies which were near to their colonies in past. So, after the war, all French colonies were dismissed. Thus French threat to colonies was gone.
          • Britain went into heavy debt.
          • Britain planned to increase in tax of colonists because colonists were interpreted in such a way that they used to think they were safer in their colonies in the absence of the French empire and the war had benefited them most. They were told that they had access to more land and resources in a more secure environment.
          • To make natives who were living in French colonies happy, colonists were forbidden to settle in newly acquired land. 
          • Many colonists were angry with the British government because they had to pay more tax without additional benefits. 
  • During the time, King George III (reign: 1760-1820) of England, took all these activities personally. He thought:
      • Revolution are going on against me.
      • All protests are done in against my ruling and my authority. Protestors do not want me to rule in the country.
      • He did not think that protests were against state's policies. 
      • Thus he tried to suppress revolution using armies.
  • To supress additionaly, British parliament passed more policies and acts:
      • Sugar act 1764: Sugar can be exported only to England. 
                                (This means: Farmers should agree with the price English people pay them and cannot go for high paying alternative market.)
      • Quartering act 1764: Colonists have to pay for English soldiers living in America. They have to provide them lodging if required.
      • Stamp Act 1765: All legal documents, newspapers, etc needed to be stamped. 
                                (This means: All documents should pay some duty(tax) to the government via stamping. Many lawers, journalists and educated people were affected.)

  • 1765 - Protest began against stamp act because journalists and lawers were very angry with additional duty charged in papers. Americans (colonists) came with the slogan "No taxation without representation" on footpaths and roads.
How protests continued? Click here for more...

Study IQ education. (2017b, April 19). अमेरिकी क्रान्ति - American Revolution + American Civil War - World History for IAS/UPSC/PCS/SSC [Video]. YouTube.


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